Happy New Year! With every new year comes resolutions for change in both personal and professional life — a time to put things in order and start fresh. So now is the perfect time to reassess how you store your business documents.
“The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Transforming” by Mari Kondo was one of the best-selling books of 2015 and continues to be an international sensation. The author’s “KonMari Method” transforms the way people view their possessions and how they organize their lives. The method is based on one simple principle: if it doesn’t spark joy, get rid of it. It comes as no surprise that decluttering paperwork is the hardest obstacle to tackle in the KonMari Method. Being surrounded by boxes and folders full of important documents certainly doesn’t spark joy, but they can’t be thrown away either. Decluttering your home office is challenging enough; thinking about decluttering your business’ office can prove to be overwhelming.
Let Pinetec help turn that feeling of being overwhelmed into a sense of accomplishment.
Pinetec will convert all of your paper files into digital files then send them to the cloud, provide you a USB drive, or both. Imagine a 10’ x 10’ storeroom full of boxes containing documents you can’t get rid of. The files that take up valuable and costly office space can be transformed into digital files that can fit on one or two USB drives, accessible from any computer or workstation.
The space created by the removal of storage boxes can make way for new offices, a much-needed conference room, or a break area for employees. You no longer have to constantly move boxes to find the files you need, or look at boxes piled to the ceiling.

Do you have a room (or rooms) like this?
Many of our clients are so used to ignoring the unsightly boxes of files and documents, they don’t realize how much space they took up until after the Pinetec staff removes them to be taken away and scanned. We often hear, “It feels so much cleaner now!”, “I had no idea this space was so big!”, or “Why didn’t we do this sooner?”
Your first step in decluttering for the new year is a call to Pinetec. Find out how we can provide the best digital solution customized for your specific needs.